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Smelled Yemen, the Office of the Embassy Stay Open

JAKARTA - The condition in Yemen is heating up due to the conflict between Houthi groups and the Yemeni government of President Abed Rabbo led Mansour Hadi.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Foreign Ministry) RI through the Director of Legal Aid and Protection of Indonesian citizen, then Muhammad Iqbal, delivering the latest conditions around the embassy in the city of Sanaa, Yemen.

"So, there are two buildings that we have, the guesthouse where Ambassador (Ambassador) stay, and the embassy. The Embassy is located very close to the Presidential Palace which has been controlled by the Houthi group. So that the embassy was actually considered vulnerable. Therefore we devise a plan to move the activities at the Embassy to the house where the Ambassador to stay, "said Director of Protection and Legal Aid Indonesian citizen, then Muhammad Iqbal, when met reporters in Jakarta, Monday (30/03/2015).

"However, we at the embassy there will remain open. Although later ambassador pack along with 95 Indonesians to be evacuated to Al Hudaidah, later in the embassy remains approximately three or four staff who are still our place to secure the evacuation of all citizens in Yemen. So it all through a checkpoint in the city Embassy in Sanaa, "he continued.

The man who was familiarly called Iqbal was added around the embassy atmosphere is very tense, difficult mobility, and communication was difficult. Thus, any information obtained from the Embassy and the Indonesian Ambassador to Yemen assessed Portal invaluable.

As reported, the Foreign Ministry is currently coordinating with the Embassy in Sana'a City to prioritize the evacuation of 95 citizens from Sanaa to the Al Hudaidah. There, there are airports that allow citizen to be discharged through the air.

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